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线性稳压 [2016/06/02 11:38]
gongyu [Variable regulators]
线性稳压 [2016/06/02 13:49] (当前版本)
admin [Using a linear regulator]
行 13: 行 13:
 Linear regulators exist in two basic forms: shunt regulators and series regulators. Most linear regulators have a maximum rated output current. This is generally limited by either power dissipation capability, or by the current carrying capability of the output transistor. Linear regulators exist in two basic forms: shunt regulators and series regulators. Most linear regulators have a maximum rated output current. This is generally limited by either power dissipation capability, or by the current carrying capability of the output transistor.
-====Shunt regulators====+====并联稳压====
 The shunt regulator works by providing a path from the supply voltage to ground through a variable resistance (the main transistor is in the "​bottom half" of the voltage divider). The current through the shunt regulator is diverted away from the load and flows uselessly to ground, making this form usually less efficient than the series regulator. It is, however, simpler, sometimes consisting of just a voltage-reference diode, and is used in very low-powered circuits where the wasted current is too small to be of concern. This form is very common for voltage reference circuits. A shunt regulator can usually only sink (absorb) current. The shunt regulator works by providing a path from the supply voltage to ground through a variable resistance (the main transistor is in the "​bottom half" of the voltage divider). The current through the shunt regulator is diverted away from the load and flows uselessly to ground, making this form usually less efficient than the series regulator. It is, however, simpler, sometimes consisting of just a voltage-reference diode, and is used in very low-powered circuits where the wasted current is too small to be of concern. This form is very common for voltage reference circuits. A shunt regulator can usually only sink (absorb) current.
-====Series regulators====+====串联稳压====
 Series regulators are the more common form. The series regulator works by providing a path from the supply voltage to the load through a variable resistance (the main transistor is in the "top half" of the voltage divider). The power dissipated by the regulating device is equal to the power supply output current times the voltage drop in the regulating device. A series regulator can usually only source (supply) current. Series regulators are the more common form. The series regulator works by providing a path from the supply voltage to the load through a variable resistance (the main transistor is in the "top half" of the voltage divider). The power dissipated by the regulating device is equal to the power supply output current times the voltage drop in the regulating device. A series regulator can usually only source (supply) current.
-====Simple shunt regulator====+====简单的并联稳压====
 {{ :​zener_reg.gif |}} {{ :​zener_reg.gif |}}
 <WRAP centeralign>​ Simple shunt voltage regulator</​WRAP>​ <WRAP centeralign>​ Simple shunt voltage regulator</​WRAP>​
行 26: 行 26:
 This regulator is used for very simple low-power applications where the currents involved are very small and the load is permanently connected across the Zener diode (such as voltage reference or voltage source circuits). Once R1 has been calculated, removing R2 will allow the full load current (plus the Zener current) through the diode and may exceed the diode'​s maximum current rating, thereby damaging it. The regulation of this circuit is also not very good because the Zener current (and hence the Zener voltage) will vary depending on {\displaystyle V_{\mathrm {S} }}  and inversely depending on the load current. In some designs, the Zener diode may be replaced with another similarly functioning device, especially in an ultra-low-voltage scenario, like (under forward bias) several normal diodes or LEDs in series.[1] This regulator is used for very simple low-power applications where the currents involved are very small and the load is permanently connected across the Zener diode (such as voltage reference or voltage source circuits). Once R1 has been calculated, removing R2 will allow the full load current (plus the Zener current) through the diode and may exceed the diode'​s maximum current rating, thereby damaging it. The regulation of this circuit is also not very good because the Zener current (and hence the Zener voltage) will vary depending on {\displaystyle V_{\mathrm {S} }}  and inversely depending on the load current. In some designs, the Zener diode may be replaced with another similarly functioning device, especially in an ultra-low-voltage scenario, like (under forward bias) several normal diodes or LEDs in series.[1]
-===Simple series regulator===+===简单的串联稳压===
 {{ :​series_reg.gif |}} {{ :​series_reg.gif |}}
 <WRAP centeralign>​ Simple series voltage regulator</​WRAP>​ <WRAP centeralign>​ Simple series voltage regulator</​WRAP>​
行 36: 行 36:
 The circuit is readily made adjustable by adding a potentiometer across the Zener, moving the transistor base connection from the top of the Zener to the pot wiper. It may be made step adjustable by switching in different Zeners. Finally it is occasionally made microadjustable by adding a low value pot in series with the Zener; this allows a little voltage adjustment, but degrades regulation (see also capacitance multiplier). The circuit is readily made adjustable by adding a potentiometer across the Zener, moving the transistor base connection from the top of the Zener to the pot wiper. It may be made step adjustable by switching in different Zeners. Finally it is occasionally made microadjustable by adding a low value pot in series with the Zener; this allows a little voltage adjustment, but degrades regulation (see also capacitance multiplier).
-====Fixed regulators==== +====固定输出稳压==== 
-{{ :​7800_ic_regulatorsa.jpg?​200 |}}+{{ :​7800_ic_regulatorsa.jpg?​600 |}}
 <WRAP centeralign>​ An assortment of 78xx series ICs </​WRAP>​ <WRAP centeralign>​ An assortment of 78xx series ICs </​WRAP>​
 "​Fixed"​ three-terminal linear regulators are commonly available to generate fixed voltages of plus 3 V, and plus or minus 5 V, 6V, 9 V, 12 V, or 15 V, when the load is less than 1.5 A. "​Fixed"​ three-terminal linear regulators are commonly available to generate fixed voltages of plus 3 V, and plus or minus 5 V, 6V, 9 V, 12 V, or 15 V, when the load is less than 1.5 A.
行 43: 行 43:
 The "​78xx"​ series (7805, 7812, etc.) regulate positive voltages while the "​79xx"​ series (7905, 7912, etc.) regulate negative voltages. Often, the last two digits of the device number are the output voltage (e.g., a 7805 is a +5 V regulator, while a 7915 is a −15 V regulator). There are variants on the 78xx series ICs, such as 78L and 78S, some of which can supply up to 2 Amps.[2] The "​78xx"​ series (7805, 7812, etc.) regulate positive voltages while the "​79xx"​ series (7905, 7912, etc.) regulate negative voltages. Often, the last two digits of the device number are the output voltage (e.g., a 7805 is a +5 V regulator, while a 7915 is a −15 V regulator). There are variants on the 78xx series ICs, such as 78L and 78S, some of which can supply up to 2 Amps.[2]
-====Adjusting fixed regulators====+====可调输出固定电压稳压====
 By adding another circuit element to a fixed voltage IC regulator, it is possible to adjust the output voltage. Two example methods are: By adding another circuit element to a fixed voltage IC regulator, it is possible to adjust the output voltage. Two example methods are:
 +  * A Zener diode or resistor may be added between the IC's ground terminal and ground. Resistors are acceptable where ground current is constant, but are ill-suited to regulators with varying ground current. By switching in different Zener diodes, diodes or resistors, the output voltage can be adjusted in a step-wise fashion.
 +  * A potentiometer can be placed in series with the ground terminal to increase the output voltage variably. However, this method degrades regulation, and is not suitable for regulators with varying ground current.
-A Zener diode or resistor may be added between the IC's ground terminal and ground. Resistors are acceptable where ground current is constant, but are ill-suited to regulators with varying ground current. By switching in different Zener diodes, diodes or resistors, the output voltage can be adjusted in a step-wise fashion. +====可变输出稳压器====
-A potentiometer can be placed in series with the ground terminal to increase the output voltage variably. However, this method degrades regulation, and is not suitable for regulators with varying ground current. +
- +
-====Variable regulators====+
 An adjustable regulator generates a fixed low nominal voltage between its output and its adjust terminal (equivalent to the ground terminal in a fixed regulator). This family of devices includes low power devices like LM723 and medium power devices like LM317 and L200. Some of the variable regulators are available in packages with more than three pins, including dual in-line packages. They offer the capability to adjust the output voltage by using external resistors of specific values. An adjustable regulator generates a fixed low nominal voltage between its output and its adjust terminal (equivalent to the ground terminal in a fixed regulator). This family of devices includes low power devices like LM723 and medium power devices like LM317 and L200. Some of the variable regulators are available in packages with more than three pins, including dual in-line packages. They offer the capability to adjust the output voltage by using external resistors of specific values.
行 56: 行 55:
 For output voltages not provided by standard fixed regulators and load currents of less than 7 A, commonly available adjustable three-terminal linear regulators may be used. The LM317 series (+1.25V) regulates positive voltages while the LM337 series (−1.25V) regulates negative voltages. The adjustment is performed by constructing a potential divider with its ends between the regulator output and ground, and its centre-tap connected to the '​adjust'​ terminal of the regulator. The ratio of resistances determines the output voltage using the same feedback mechanisms described earlier. For output voltages not provided by standard fixed regulators and load currents of less than 7 A, commonly available adjustable three-terminal linear regulators may be used. The LM317 series (+1.25V) regulates positive voltages while the LM337 series (−1.25V) regulates negative voltages. The adjustment is performed by constructing a potential divider with its ends between the regulator output and ground, and its centre-tap connected to the '​adjust'​ terminal of the regulator. The ratio of resistances determines the output voltage using the same feedback mechanisms described earlier.
- +====保护====
-Single IC dual tracking adjustable regulators are available for applications such as op-amp circuits needing matched positive and negative DC supplies.[which?​] Some have selectable current limiting as well. Some regulators require a minimum load. +
- +
 Linear IC voltage regulators may include a variety of protection methods: Linear IC voltage regulators may include a variety of protection methods:
- +  * Current limiting such as constant-current limiting or foldback 
-Current limiting such as constant-current limiting or foldback +  ​* ​Thermal shutdown 
-Thermal shutdown +  ​* ​Safe operating area protection
-Safe operating area protection+
 Sometimes external protection is used, such as crowbar protection. Sometimes external protection is used, such as crowbar protection.
-====Using a linear regulator====+====线性稳压器的使用====
 Linear regulators can be constructed using discrete components but are usually encountered in integrated circuit forms. The most common linear regulators are three-terminal integrated circuits in the TO-220 package. Linear regulators can be constructed using discrete components but are usually encountered in integrated circuit forms. The most common linear regulators are three-terminal integrated circuits in the TO-220 package.
 Common solid-state series voltage regulators are the LM78xx (for positive voltages), LM79xx (for negative voltages), and the AMS1117 (low drop out, for lower positive voltages than LM78xx allows) series. Common fixed voltages are 1.8V, 3.3V (both for low-voltage CMOS logic circuits), 5 V (for transistor-transistor logic circuits) and 12 V (for communications circuits and peripheral devices such as disk drives). In fixed voltage regulators the reference pin is tied to ground, whereas in variable regulators the reference pin is connected to the centre point of a fixed or variable voltage divider fed by the regulator'​s output. A variable voltage divider such as a potentiometer allows the user to adjust the regulated voltage. Common solid-state series voltage regulators are the LM78xx (for positive voltages), LM79xx (for negative voltages), and the AMS1117 (low drop out, for lower positive voltages than LM78xx allows) series. Common fixed voltages are 1.8V, 3.3V (both for low-voltage CMOS logic circuits), 5 V (for transistor-transistor logic circuits) and 12 V (for communications circuits and peripheral devices such as disk drives). In fixed voltage regulators the reference pin is tied to ground, whereas in variable regulators the reference pin is connected to the centre point of a fixed or variable voltage divider fed by the regulator'​s output. A variable voltage divider such as a potentiometer allows the user to adjust the regulated voltage.
-====See also==== +====参见其它相关词条==== 
-  * Portal icon Electronics portal +  * [[电压基准源]] 
-  * Voltage regulator +  * [[LM317]] 
-  * Bandgap voltage reference +  * [[开关稳压]] 
-  * List of LM-series integrated circuits +  * [[LDO]] 
-  * LM317 +
-  * Brokaw bandgap reference +
-  * Switched-mode power supply +
-  * Low-dropout regulator +
-====References==== +
-Jump up ^ When I[who?] designed my AM pocket radio powered by a 3.7 V lithium-ion battery, the 1.5–1.8 V power supply required by the TA7642 chip was provided using a Zener regulator using a red LED (with a forward voltage of 1.7 V) in forward in place of the Zener diode. This LED also doubled as the power indicator. +
-Jump up ^ [1], Datasheet of L78xx Showing a model that can output 2 A +
-External links[edit+
-"Zener regulator"​ at Hyperphysics +
-Linear voltage regulator tutorial video in HD Includes practical examples. +
-ECE 327: LM317 Bandgap Voltage Reference Example — Brief explanation of the temperature-independent bandgap reference circuit within the LM317. +
-ECE 327: Procedures for Voltage Regulators Lab — Gives schematics, explanations,​ and analyses for Zener shunt regulator, series regulator, feedback series regulator, feedback series regulator with current limiting, and feedback series regulator with current foldback. Also discusses the proper use of the LM317 integrated circuit bandgap voltage reference and bypass capacitors. +
-ECE 327: Report Strategies for Voltage Regulators Lab — Gives more-detailed quantitative analysis of behavior of several shunt and series regulators in and out of normal operating ranges. +
-"7A SPX1580 regulator"​+