外部链接 本课题利用Verilog HDL语言设计并实现了一个简单的2位比较器。给出了比较器的真值表、k -映射和最小化方程。利用ModelSim软件对该比较器的Verilog代码进行了仿真,给出了仿真波形。 The specification of the 2-bit comparator is as follows:
- Input: 2-bit A and B for comparison
- Output:
- AgreaterB: high if A > B else low
- AequalB: high if A = B else low
- AlessB: high if A<B else low
The truth table for the comparator:
// FPGA projects using Verilog/ VHDL // fpga4student.com : FPGA projects, Verilog projects, VHDL projects // Verilog code for 2-bit comparator module comparator(input [1:0] A,B, output A_less_B, A_equal_B, A_greater_B); wire tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,tmp4,tmp5, tmp6, tmp7, tmp8; // A = B output xnor u1(tmp1,A[1],B[1]); xnor u2(tmp2,A[0],B[0]); and u3(A_equal_B,tmp1,tmp2); // A less than B output assign tmp3 = (~A[0])& (~A[1])& B[0]; assign tmp4 = (~A[1])& B[1]; assign tmp5 = (~A[0])& B[1]& B[0]; assign A_less_B = tmp3 | tmp4 | tmp5; // A greater than B output assign tmp6 = (~B[0])& (~B[1])& A[0]; assign tmp7 = (~B[1])& A[1]; assign tmp8 = (~B[0])& A[1]& A[0]; assign A_greater_B = tmp6 | tmp7 | tmp8; endmodule `timescale 10 ps/ 10 ps // FPGA projects using Verilog/ VHDL // fpga4student.com // Verilog testbench code for 2-bit comparator module tb_comparator; reg [1:0] A, B; wire A_less_B, A_equal_B, A_greater_B; integer i; // device under test comparator dut(A,B,A_less_B, A_equal_B, A_greater_B); initial begin for (i=0;i<4;i=i+1) begin A = i; B = i + 1; #20; end for (i=0;i<4;i=i+1) begin A = i; B = i; #20; end for (i=0;i<4;i=i+1) begin A = i+1; B = i; #20; end end endmodule