/* ALU Arithmetic and Logic Operations ---------------------------------------------------------------------- |ALU_Sel| ALU Operation ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | 0000 | ALU_Out = A + B; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | 0001 | ALU_Out = A - B; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | 0010 | ALU_Out = A * B; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | 0011 | ALU_Out = A / B; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | 0100 | ALU_Out = A << 1; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | 0101 | ALU_Out = A >> 1; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | 0110 | ALU_Out = A rotated left by 1; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | 0111 | ALU_Out = A rotated right by 1; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | 1000 | ALU_Out = A and B; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | 1001 | ALU_Out = A or B; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | 1010 | ALU_Out = A xor B; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | 1011 | ALU_Out = A nor B; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | 1100 | ALU_Out = A nand B; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | 1101 | ALU_Out = A xnor B; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | 1110 | ALU_Out = 1 if A>B else 0; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | 1111 | ALU_Out = 1 if A=B else 0; ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // FPGA projects, Verilog projects, VHDL projects // Verilog project: Verilog code for ALU // by FPGA4STUDENT module alu( input [7:0] A,B, // ALU 8-bit Inputs input [3:0] ALU_Sel,// ALU Selection output [7:0] ALU_Out, // ALU 8-bit Output output CarryOut // Carry Out Flag ); reg [7:0] ALU_Result; wire [8:0] tmp; assign ALU_Out = ALU_Result; // ALU out assign tmp = {1'b0,A} + {1'b0,B}; assign CarryOut = tmp[8]; // Carryout flag always @(*) begin case(ALU_Sel) 4'b0000: // Addition ALU_Result = A + B ; 4'b0001: // Subtraction ALU_Result = A - B ; 4'b0010: // Multiplication ALU_Result = A * B; 4'b0011: // Division ALU_Result = A/B; 4'b0100: // Logical shift left ALU_Result = A<<1; 4'b0101: // Logical shift right ALU_Result = A>>1; 4'b0110: // Rotate left ALU_Result = {A[6:0],A[7]}; 4'b0111: // Rotate right ALU_Result = {A[0],A[7:1]}; 4'b1000: // Logical and ALU_Result = A & B; 4'b1001: // Logical or ALU_Result = A | B; 4'b1010: // Logical xor ALU_Result = A ^ B; 4'b1011: // Logical nor ALU_Result = ~(A | B); 4'b1100: // Logical nand ALU_Result = ~(A & B); 4'b1101: // Logical xnor ALU_Result = ~(A ^ B); 4'b1110: // Greater comparison ALU_Result = (A>B)?8'd1:8'd0 ; 4'b1111: // Equal comparison ALU_Result = (A==B)?8'd1:8'd0 ; default: ALU_Result = A + B ; endcase end endmodule
// FPGA projects, Verilog projects, VHDL projects // Verilog project: Verilog code for ALU // by FPGA4STUDENT `timescale 1ns / 1ps module tb_alu; //Inputs reg[7:0] A,B; reg[3:0] ALU_Sel; //Outputs wire[7:0] ALU_Out; wire CarryOut; // Verilog code for ALU integer i; alu test_unit( A,B, // ALU 8-bit Inputs ALU_Sel,// ALU Selection ALU_Out, // ALU 8-bit Output CarryOut // Carry Out Flag ); initial begin // hold reset state for 100 ns. A = 8'h0A; B = 4'h02; ALU_Sel = 4'h0; for (i=0;i<=15;i=i+1) begin ALU_Sel = ALU_Sel + 8'h01; #10; end; A = 8'hF6; B = 8'h0A; end endmodule