


两侧同时换到之前的修订记录 前一修订版
lm7805 [2019/03/01 21:22]
gongyu [Advantages]
lm7805 [2019/03/19 23:00] (当前版本)
行 3: 行 3:
 78xx ICs have three terminals and are commonly found in the TO-220 form factor, although they are available in surface-mount,​ TO-92, and TO-3 packages. These devices support an input voltage anywhere from around 2.5 volts over the intended output voltage up to a maximum of 35 to 40 volts depending on the model, and typically provide 1 or 1.5 amperes of current (though smaller or larger packages may have a lower or higher current rating). 78xx ICs have three terminals and are commonly found in the TO-220 form factor, although they are available in surface-mount,​ TO-92, and TO-3 packages. These devices support an input voltage anywhere from around 2.5 volts over the intended output voltage up to a maximum of 35 to 40 volts depending on the model, and typically provide 1 or 1.5 amperes of current (though smaller or larger packages may have a lower or higher current rating).
 +==== 基本信息 ====
 +  * 型号
 +  * 描述
 +  * 类别
 +  * 厂商
 +  * 图片
 +==== 功能特性 ====
 +==== 主要参数 ====
 +==== 应用领域 ====
 +==== 技术资料 ====
 +  * 数据手册
 +  * 应用指南
 +  * 视频
 +==== 设计工具/​软件 ====
 +  * 模型
 +    * CAD库文件
 +    * IBIS文件
 +    * BSDL文件
 +    * 热模型
 +  * 参考设计
 +    * 应用方案框图
 +    * 开发板
 +      * 原理图
 +      * PCB文件
 +      * Gerber文件
 +      * BOM清单
 +    * 开发模块
 +  * 软件
 +  * 开发工具
 +==== 应用参考案例 ====
 +==== 开发资源 ====
 +  * 网站
 +  * 技术社区
 +  * 公众号
 +==== 购买 ====
 +  * 器件
 +  * 板卡
 ====Advantages==== ====Advantages====
行 9: 行 55:
-LM7805 - 5V输出的线性稳压器件 +
-{{ :​to-220-3.png?​200|}} +
-  * 特性: +
-    * 输入范围:7.5V-30V +
-    * 输出电压5V、1A +
-    * 低噪声,60dB抑制比 +
-  * 技术资料: +
-    * [[http://​www.cirmall.com|英文版数据手册|]] +
-    * [[http://​www.cirmall.com|设计指南|]] +
-  * 设计资源: +
-    * [[http://​www.ti.com|PCB设计用元器件库文件]] +
-    * [[http://​www.eefocus.com|参考设计原理图文件(OrCAD格式)]] +
-    * [[http://​www.eeboard.com|参考设计PCB文件(Eagle格式)]] +
-  * BOM清单 +
-    * [[http://​www.ti.com|评估板卡]] +
-    * [[http://​www.ti.com|12V输入、0.8A输出的参考设计板]] +
-  * 购买渠道 +
-    * [[http://​www.digikey.com|TO-220封装采购渠道:¥0.75@1000]] +
-    * [[http://​www.mouser.com|LM7805参考设计板采购渠道:¥175]]+
 ====Disadvantages==== ====Disadvantages====
 The input voltage must always be higher than the output voltage by some minimum amount (typically 2.5 volts). This can make these devices unsuitable for powering some devices from certain types of power sources (for example, powering a circuit that requires 5 volts using 6-volt batteries will not work using a 7805). The input voltage must always be higher than the output voltage by some minimum amount (typically 2.5 volts). This can make these devices unsuitable for powering some devices from certain types of power sources (for example, powering a circuit that requires 5 volts using 6-volt batteries will not work using a 7805).
行 65: 行 93:
   * [[http://​www.st.com/​st-web-ui/​static/​active/​en/​resource/​technical/​document/​datasheet/​CD00000539.pdf|L79xx (negative)]],​ STMicroelectronics   * [[http://​www.st.com/​st-web-ui/​static/​active/​en/​resource/​technical/​document/​datasheet/​CD00000539.pdf|L79xx (negative)]],​ STMicroelectronics
   * {{:​lm7805.pdf|LM7805数据手册}}   * {{:​lm7805.pdf|LM7805数据手册}}