


两侧同时换到之前的修订记录 前一修订版
lm7805 [2019/03/01 21:26]
gongyu [LM7805 - 5V输出的线性稳压器件]
lm7805 [2019/03/19 23:00] (当前版本)
行 3: 行 3:
 78xx ICs have three terminals and are commonly found in the TO-220 form factor, although they are available in surface-mount,​ TO-92, and TO-3 packages. These devices support an input voltage anywhere from around 2.5 volts over the intended output voltage up to a maximum of 35 to 40 volts depending on the model, and typically provide 1 or 1.5 amperes of current (though smaller or larger packages may have a lower or higher current rating). 78xx ICs have three terminals and are commonly found in the TO-220 form factor, although they are available in surface-mount,​ TO-92, and TO-3 packages. These devices support an input voltage anywhere from around 2.5 volts over the intended output voltage up to a maximum of 35 to 40 volts depending on the model, and typically provide 1 or 1.5 amperes of current (though smaller or larger packages may have a lower or higher current rating).
 +==== 基本信息 ====
 +  * 型号
 +  * 描述
 +  * 类别
 +  * 厂商
 +  * 图片
 +==== 功能特性 ====
 +==== 主要参数 ====
 +==== 应用领域 ====
 +==== 技术资料 ====
 +  * 数据手册
 +  * 应用指南
 +  * 视频
 +==== 设计工具/​软件 ====
 +  * 模型
 +    * CAD库文件
 +    * IBIS文件
 +    * BSDL文件
 +    * 热模型
 +  * 参考设计
 +    * 应用方案框图
 +    * 开发板
 +      * 原理图
 +      * PCB文件
 +      * Gerber文件
 +      * BOM清单
 +    * 开发模块
 +  * 软件
 +  * 开发工具
 +==== 应用参考案例 ====
 +==== 开发资源 ====
 +  * 网站
 +  * 技术社区
 +  * 公众号
 +==== 购买 ====
 +  * 器件
 +  * 板卡
 ====Advantages==== ====Advantages====
行 47: 行 93:
   * [[http://​www.st.com/​st-web-ui/​static/​active/​en/​resource/​technical/​document/​datasheet/​CD00000539.pdf|L79xx (negative)]],​ STMicroelectronics   * [[http://​www.st.com/​st-web-ui/​static/​active/​en/​resource/​technical/​document/​datasheet/​CD00000539.pdf|L79xx (negative)]],​ STMicroelectronics
   * {{:​lm7805.pdf|LM7805数据手册}}   * {{:​lm7805.pdf|LM7805数据手册}}