


nbit_adder [2021/10/03 02:12]
gongyu 创建
nbit_adder [2021/10/03 02:12] (当前版本)
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 ## N位加法器设计 ## N位加法器设计
 来自[[https://​www.fpga4student.com/​2017/​07/​n-bit-adder-design-in-verilog.html|来自FPGA4student]] 来自[[https://​www.fpga4student.com/​2017/​07/​n-bit-adder-design-in-verilog.html|来自FPGA4student]]
 The next Verilog/ VHDL project is a complete co-processor specially designed for cryptographic applications. The co-processor has standard instructions and dedicated function units specific for security. The co-processor is implemented mainly in VHDL, but the N-bit Adder is designed in Verilog. The Verilog code for the N-bit Adder will be instantiated later in a VHDL design. In next posts, implementations of major modules in the co-processor will be presented. The complete co-processor design and implementation will be presented after every part of the co-processor is posted. The next Verilog/ VHDL project is a complete co-processor specially designed for cryptographic applications. The co-processor has standard instructions and dedicated function units specific for security. The co-processor is implemented mainly in VHDL, but the N-bit Adder is designed in Verilog. The Verilog code for the N-bit Adder will be instantiated later in a VHDL design. In next posts, implementations of major modules in the co-processor will be presented. The complete co-processor design and implementation will be presented after every part of the co-processor is posted.
 This post presents Verilog code for N-bit Adder designed for the co-processor. The Verilog code for N-bit Adder is done by using Structural Modeling. ​ This post presents Verilog code for N-bit Adder designed for the co-processor. The Verilog code for N-bit Adder is done by using Structural Modeling. ​