显示页面 讨论 修订记录 反向链接 本页面只读。您可以查看源文件,但不能更改它。如果您觉得这是系统错误,请联系管理员。 ^ Category |Definition |Example| ^ Identifer Names |Can contain any letter, digit, underscore _, or $ Can not begin with a digit or be a keyword Case sensitive |q0 Prime_number lteflg| Signal Values 0 = logic value 0 1 = logic value 1 z or Z = high impedance x or X = unknown value Numbers d = decimal b = binary h = hexadecimal o = octal 35 (default decimal) 4‘b1001 8’a5 = 8’b10100101 Parameters Associates an identifer name with a value that can be overridden with the defparam statement #(parameter N = 8) Local parameters Associates an identifer name with a constant that cannot be directly overridden localparam [1:0] s0 = 2’b00, s1 = 2’b01, s2 = 2’b10; Nets and Variables Types wire (used to connect one logic element to another) reg (variables assigned values in always block) integer (useful for loop control variables) wire [3:0] d; wire led; reg [7:0] q; integer k; Module module module_name [#(parameter_port_list)] (port_dir_type_name,{ port_dir_type_name } ); [wire declarations] [reg declarations] [assign assignments] [always blocks] endmodule module register #(parameter N = 8) (input wire load , input wire clk , input wire clr , input wire [N-1:0] d , output reg [N-1:0] q ); always @(posedge clk or posedge clr) if(clr == 1) q <= 0; else if(load) q <= d; endmodule Logic operators ~ (NOT) & (AND) | (OR) ~(&) (NAND) ~(|) (NOR) ^ (XOR) ~^ (XNOR assign z = ~y; assign c = a & b; assign z = x | y; assign w = ~(u & v); assign r = ~(s | t); assign z = x ^ y; assign d = a ~^ b; Reduction operators & (AND) | (OR) ~& (NAND) ~| (NOR) ^ (XOR) ~^ (XNOR assign c = &a; assign z = |y; assign w = ~&v; assign r = ~|t; assign z = ^y; assign d = ~^b; Arithmetic operators + (addition) - (subtraction) * (multiplication) / (division) % (mod) count <= count + 1; q <= q – 1;